
Beyond our Isrogant activities, we aim to provide a background for talented authors who have not been recognized by mainstream publishers. Our ability to do so is limited by the manpower and budget of a small publisher - which does not reflect on the quality of our books, but on the amount and speed of new publications.

Kinder lieben die asiatischen Kampfkünste

„Warum müssen wir uns zu Beginn des Trainings in einem Kreis aufstellen?“ „Warum im Kreis? Wir stehen doch in einer Reihe!“ „Warum heißen unsere Übungen ‚Drache‘ oder ‚Schlange‘?“ „Warum ist unser Training so viel anders als das Fußballtraining unserer Nachbarn?“ „Warum fühle ich mich so anders, seit ich mit dem Training begonnen habe?“

Es gibt viele ‚Warums‘ im Bereich der Kampfkünste, die Dich und Deinen Trainer bestimmt schon einmal beschäftigt haben. In diesem Buch finden sich 19 Geschichten von erfahrenen Kampfkünstlern verschiedener Stile und Schulen, die Anregungen und Ideen geben, den Antworten auf den Grund zu gehen. Sie können im Training, in der Teepause oder auch zu Hause helfen, den „Geheimnissen“ der Kampfkünste nachzuspüren. Fragen am Ende der Geschichten geben Anregungen zur weiteren Diskussion oder eigenem Nachdenken. Für junge und junggebliebene Kampfkünstler, ihre Eltern und ihre Trainer.

Kinderkampfkunst: Erzählungen

ISBN: 978-3942357166

Clive K. Semmens:

It is 1990, but the 1990 you might remember. Not exactly. A slightly different leg of the trousers of time.

See the world through the eyes of Pete and his friends - ordinary people in ordinary circumstances - as the world changes in terrible, unanticipated but pausible ways in that parallel universe.

Pawns is about life, love and death, and surviving, and the randomness of who gets dealt what hand in he game of life. Above all, it's about seeing life from the poit of view of the pawns in the game. A pawn's eye view.

Pawns aren't privy to the thinking of the players.

ISBN: 978-0956489791

Clive Semmens
Going Forth

It's 2024, on a timeline that diverged from yours in the late 1970s.

In 1990, in Pawns, Pete was in his mid-twenties. He's now nearly sixty. Little Mikey is one of his grandchildren.

Life is very different now almost everyone in the world is gone, but for Mikey, it's just how life is - until the family decides they have to undertake a huge expedition.

ISBN: 978-1326239565

Cairiel Ari
Der Gejagte: Die Winterchroniken von Heratia 

Der Verfluchte Gott ist auf der Flucht, so geschwächt wie nie zuvor. Wenn es eine Gelegenheit gibt, ihn zu stoppen, dann ist sie jetzt, so viel ist Serrashil bewusst. Doch als wäre die Jagd nach einem Gott durch die ganze Bekannte Welt nicht schon genug, hat ihr Gefährte Delren plötzlich Visionen einer weißen Frau, die ihn dazu verleitet, ein mächtiges altes Artefakt an sich zu bringen, während die Kreaturen des Winters über die Völker der Menschen herfallen.

Schnee und Eis breiten sich aus. Die Grenzen verschwimmen. Erst im Angesicht bitterer Kälte kristallisiert sich heraus, wer wirklich Freund und Feind ist. Aber reicht diese Erkenntnis, um den Untergang Heratias noch aufzuhalten?

Der lang erwartete zweite Band der Winterchroniken von Heratia.

ISBN: 978-3942357203

The Reminiscences of Penny Lane

Penelope Louise Joyce Lane was born in India, although her ancestors were of English or Irish origin. She was not called Penny Lane after the Beatles song, but before it, since she was born during the night of the 2nd of September 1948. Today she’s a recently retired engineer.

In 1956, when she is seven years old, her immediate family moves to London, leaving her grandparents and her uncle in India.

She restarts a very different kind of life in her ancestral homeland England – where her father, with no regrets, becomes a bus driver to support his family and educate his children,

Twenty-two years later Penny visits India again and immediately gets involved… in the real India, in a small provincial town and the remote tribal villages in the hills beyond it. This is another world, that comes alive with Penny´s tales – as well as the many authentic photographs that help the reader to adapt to the atmosphere and surroundings.

Penny makes idiosyncratic decisions, no matter what her age, but sometimes even to her own surprise, always comes up smelling of roses. However unusual her life story, it’s all very real.

Actually... She doesn’t really exist, although for about a year in 2001 and 2002 a lot of people thought she did.

“I do not recommend the rocket propelled bicycle. I tried that twice.”

ISBN: 978-0956489746

Mr Snugglebear & Madame Cuddlemouse


The story of two strangers from different sides of Europe. They meet in Paris and go through adventurous times and places while discovering an eternal friendship and love in a new but common place. It´s also about chocolate.

A children's book with colourful illustrations. available in three languages. 

Different Minds
Different Lives

A story sampler

A collection of mindful, intelligent stories by a group of authors as diverse as their story telling. Some of us are family; we're all friends. Some of us were at school together in the 1960s, or were house-mates in the 1970s. Some of us only know each other online. Our ages range from the early twenties to the early eighties. Most of us are native English speakers, but Grace's mother-tongue is Hindi, Lovie's is Icelandic, Marko's is Croatian, and Meryem's is French. We all wrote in English apart from Meryem, whose story Clive translated with her approval. Please enjoy reading as much as we enjoyed writing.

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